Your Questions Answered


How do I book an appointment?

Our online booking is the easiest, most convenient way to schedule your visit with us. The online system is available 24/7 and has the most up to date availability. However, if you need more assistance with your booking or the service you are interested in is not available online, you can call us during business hours at (408) 569-9654, text us at (408) 214-8506, or shoot us an email at We will respond as soon as possible and within 24 hours.

Why is my credit card required to book an appointment?

To secure your booking online, we do ask for a valid card number to have on file in you client “wallet”. A card number is required to secure the booking, and also to ensure that the booking is legitimate (yes, people do make phony appointments. Ugh). You card information is securely stored with our credit card processing company that is operated by VISA and is never stored anywhere on our booking platform or in our computer. If necessary, we will also apply any late cancellation/no show fees to the card on file. Please see our cancellation policy for more details and to avoid this from ever happening.

Having a card on file in your client “wallet” also allows for a completely contactless form of payment at checkout. If you would like to book a service without leaving your card information, please call the salon to schedule your visit. A deposit for the booking may be required in lieu of a card number on file.

Are children allowed at the salon? Am I allowed to bring friends?

Although we love kids and new visitors we ask that for everyone’s safety and to maintain minimal capacity, only those receiving services be in the salon at this time.

What is your cancellation policy?

We do everything in our power to stay on schedule and respect your valuable time, we ask you do the same for us. When a guest decides to cancel on short notice or not show up at all, not only is that income lost, but it also means we are not able to serve another guest who could have been available for that time.

We ask that if you need to cancel or reschedule to please do so more than 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time. This allows us time to reach out to anyone on our waitlist and possibly fill the booking.

A late cancellation as well as a no-call/ no-show to an appointment will result in a fee of 50% the total cost of the service booked (ex: The service booked is $200. The fee would be $100).

Only late cancellations due to health reasons will be exempt from this policy.

What do I do if I don’t know which services I need?

You are always welcome to book either an in-person or vitual consultation. These are especially recommended if you are looking to do a major color change, looking to get a vivid color (i.e. rainbow, mermaid, or unicorn hair), a global bleach and tone, or an extension service. If you’re looking for something more straightforward and are just having a difficult time figuring out what services to choose, you can take our quick quiz here.

Can’t find the answer you were looking for? Chat with us on now Facebook Messenger.

The fastest way to get a hold of us in through our Facebook Messenger. Click the bubble at the bottom-right side of this page or click here to chat now.